Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stress-Relief Christmas Tree

This blog was originally intended for lots of people to weigh in with their acts of service, not as a "toot toot" blog for me. But if one of my ideas inspires someone else to do something for someone, then it serves the purpose I intended, which is to inspire acts of service.

I did this for a friend of mine who is a single parent. I know what it is like to be on your own as a parent, never to have that "fresh horse" come in and take over while you regroup. I bought a small fake tree and a few items of a personal nature--bubble bath, nail polish, back massager, etc. Instead of ornaments, I hung individually-wrapped Ghirardelli chocolates. I found a Holiday Stress Relief CD at Target. For a tree skirt, I used a Christmasy fleece throw, placing the personal items on top of it under the tree. I made a snowman out of three white round bath scrubbees, using holiday earrings for the eyes and nose and buttons, with eyebrow pencils as the arms. I propped it up inside a plush new bath towel. 

I resisted returning to the scene of the crime, because that is always a giveaway, but I hope it brightened my friend's day. The holidays are always a difficult time for those who are alone or under a lot of pressure. Look around. Who do you know who might need a little stress relief?


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I've done similar anonymous gifts for families and elderly but never thought about something like this for a single mom - even though I was one for 17 years. Thanks for sharing some motivation - LOVE the chocolate as ornaments!
